This month we celebrate four years of Studio Lenzing. We feel grateful for the team we have built over the past four years. With this team, we have done terrific work and built partnerships that fill us with great pride.
It is a privilege to work with such a bunch of smart and kind people every day. Together we not only shape our work but also our way of working.
For us, it is crucial to continuously develop the studio and the way we operate at Studio Lenzing, for example by elaborating our culture and our communication - internally and externally.

In four years we have grown from the two of us (Malte & Leander) to a team of nine incredibly talented and bright minds. And yes, another friendly face will join the team at the beginning of next year.
If we could name just one thing we have learned over the past year, it would be ‘take your time’.
This enfolds to so many different areas: Whether it is taking more time in hiring new people, incorporating more extensive strategic thinking and research into our product development process, planning better ahead, or taking more time trying diverse design directions.
Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported and accompanied us over the past four years. We are having an amazing time and are excited to see what’s next.
Cheers to all of us.