At Studio Lenzing we live and stand for good and honest design. Design that takes responsibility and makes a difference. Design that that serves a purpose whilst looking quite neat. Today, we want to talk about just that: the four things that are most crucial to our own design language.

01 Say it simple
We like to concentrate on the essential. No overload, no overstatement. As Dieter Rams put it: Less, but better. We like to reduce our design to a minimum, giving it space to breathe and take effect. We love design that allows people to fulfill themselves by guiding, not domineering over them.
02 Be bold
Having said this, we don’t mean bold in terms of loud and pushy looks. We prefer to be humble and let the design speak for itself. Nonetheless, we create designs that make a statement. We love some clear-cut lines, a solid foundation. Our designs are consistent down to the smallest detail and make a strong product from soup to nuts.
03 Form follows function
There is not much beauty in a pretty design if it is not functional. Frankly, we think that beauty comes by functionality. Design, in the way that we understand it, has to be practical. It serves a purpose and makes a product understandable. In the end, you can even say it has to have a tool-like character. Because design is made for real people in the real world, solving real problems.
04 Make it last
We make sure to always be state-of-the-art. We have an ear at the pulse of time. Apart from that — we are not chasing any trends. Good design is made to last, especially in a fast changing world. Our design survives short-term fashion trends and marks a contrast to the modern throw-away society.
Clearly, we could keep talking for hours about what any design should be or is like. If you happen to be in Hamburg and fancy a little design chat with us — drop us a line and swing by our studio.
In the end, this is just the core of design in our philosophy and understanding.